Tuesday, August 30, 2011

a LONG day!

 I am always so excited about teaching... ALWAYS! This year, I think since it's a year with so many firsts that I am even more excited! One of my firsts is BLOGGING. I am so excited about the blog world. There are so many AMAZING ideas. One idea I found from aplacecalledkindergarten.blogspot.com was a magnifying glass that says "I spy readers." Yesterday we colored our magnifying glass and today we went on a scavenger hunt to find readers around our school. When we got back to the room I printed out pictures of the readers we saw. Then we made an anchor chart with reasons for reading and things you can read. It was a great way to talk about the importance of reading and to really help the kids see it's amazing purpose! Here is a picture of our chart and then just some really cute pictures I took of my little loves. 

This evening we had parent orientation. It was great to get to know my kiddos parents. I worked super hard on a powerpoint and then... technology failed me. My smartboard went out. Truth is, I don't know how to function anymore with out my smartboard. I do EVERYTHING on it. I hope it's working by tomorrow! Now, I'm going to sleep! Goodnight Moon!

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